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Daughters of Lilith Esoteric Shop

Black Tourmaline Pendant

Black Tourmaline Pendant

Regular price $14.95 USD
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As witches and spiritualists, we express our spiritual beliefs through our jewelry. Jewelry can act as protection, be utilized in rituals, or be consecrated as an amulet to ward off the undesired. Amethyst rings are known for their calming properties, aiding in quieting the mind, enhancing sleep and meditation. They assist in reaching a heightened state of consciousness and deepening intuitive and psychic abilities. They can also support the reception of spiritual guidance and wisdom, as well as help in breaking habits and addictions. Amethyst is calming stone that helps quiet your mind, aids in sleep and meditation. Helps achieve a higher state of being and deepen your ability to tap into your intuition and psychic abilities. Can also aid in receiving spiritual guidance and support. 

Black Tourmaline is an outstanding crystal for everyone due to its powerful protective properties against negative energy, along with its ability to cleanse such energies. Additionally, it is known for its significant grounding and stabilizing effects.

Options are available for these stones to be blessed and enchanted by Queen Lilith, Hecate, or Gaia, thereby imbuing them with their energy essence as they infuse the item with their power. When magically blessed by a deity the object harnesses their energy, as she imbues the item with her essence. It can serve as an amulet, talisman, or a charm for good fortune.

Lilith symbolizes the ultimate female power, blessing women with strength, courage, liberation, beauty, attraction, and sexual magnetism, among other qualities. Lilith empowers us to be the best version of ourselves without apology. Never dominated by man, she is revered as the most beautiful woman ever created.

Hecate, known as the crone aspect of the Triple Goddess, is referred to as the mother of witches, queen of ghosts, torchbearer, and keeper of keys, among other titles. She lights our path and guides us through dark times. As the keeper of the keys, she unlocks the doors to mysteries and grants access to spiritual or underworld realms. She is also a protective mother and healer, skilled in pharmakeia, aiding mothers through childbirth and safeguarding them and their offspring.

Gaia, Mother Earth, embodies life itself; she is the soul of the earth. As our mother, she provides sustenance to all her children to foster life, and to her, we return upon death.

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