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Daughters of Lilith Esoteric Shop

Divination Kit with Messages from The Universe Oracle Deck

Divination Kit with Messages from The Universe Oracle Deck

Regular price $113.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $113.00 USD
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Embrace the mystique and wonder of the following offerings:

A mystical divination set that includes a grand wooden box, an ornate altar cloth, divination oil, divination herb incense, and the mesmerizing Guardian Angel Messages Oracle Deck. This beautiful deck with its captivating design and intricate graphics is suited for wielders of tarot cards at any level.

The set comprises of:

1. A robust, grand wooden box

2. A resplendent, captivating altar cloth

3. A bewitching deck adorned with mesmerizing graphics

4. Divination Oil

5. Divination Herb Incense

My Divination Oil is a potent elixir, crafted from a careful selection of carrier oils, essential oils, and stones, all harmoniously blended to enhance psychic insights during divination or meditation. Its exquisite fragrance can be inhaled or applied to the third eye, tools, or candles.

By the same token, the Divination Herb Incense Mix is an enchanting and meticulously crafted blend, designed to elevate psychic powers during divination or meditation. Its alluring fragrance can be inhaled or applied to the third eye, tools, or candles to stir the spirits and unlock hidden truths.

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