Collection: Candles

Candles play diverse roles in witchcraft, serving purposes in meditation, healing rituals, amplifying the power of spells, or directing a specific intent. They are integral to many religions and spiritual practices. It is thought that candles can absorb an individual's personal energy and release it when burned. Offered in a variety of colors, shapes, and sizes, candles are commonly utilized in witchcraft for casting spells, meditating, performing rituals, and divination. The distinct behaviors of a candle while it burns may indicate the success of a spell.


Witchcraft is more than just a way of life for me; it's my deepest passion. I want to create a space where no matter what you practice from the green witch to the black magic witch, you have a place in my shop. Furthermore, I delight in assembling kits, removing the hassle of planning, preparing, and hunting for supplies from your tasks. They are ideal for the witch on-the-go, the witch who values ease, or the one who cherishes convenience. Additionally, I am always on hand to address any questions my clients may have.

You have the option to have some of these objects enchanted by Lilith, Hecate, or Gaia. Please submit a contact form if you are interested in this service.