Collection: Oils

Witches utilize Magic Oils to anoint themselves, their ritual tools, crystals, candles, petitions, talismans, and amulets, among other things. Anointing candles with fragrant oils and then adorning them with herbs and flowers is one of my favorite practices; the appearance and aroma are simply delightful, embodying the essence of witchcraft for me. In the realm of magic, oils can amplify spell work and assist in manifestation. The plant-derived scented oils I create are potent elements in spells, rites, and rituals.


Witchcraft is more than just a way of life for me; it's my deepest passion. I want to create a space where no matter what you practice from the green witch to the black magic witch, you have a place in my shop. Furthermore, I delight in assembling kits, removing the hassle of planning, preparing, and hunting for supplies from your tasks. They are ideal for the witch on-the-go, the witch who values ease, or the one who cherishes convenience. Additionally, I am always on hand to address any questions my clients may have.

You have the option to have some of these objects enchanted by Lilith, Hecate, or Gaia. Please submit a contact form if you are interested in this service.